Senin, 13 Februari 2012

it's called V-Day

hari kasih sayang? banyak yang mengatakan bahwa itu sangat penting, apa lagi untuk saling share baik itu sama pacar sama keluarga, yaa sama pasangan gitu lah pokoknya di dalam satu hari yang biasa disebut V-day atau valentine's day. Dan nggak jarang juga ada orang yang bilang setiap hari itu penuh kasih sayang, jadi nggak harus dan nggak wajib ngerayain V-day. Nah ada lagi yang berdalih gara-gara nggak punya pasangan atau gebetan yang buat sekedar diajakin ke pesta atau ngerayain V-day berdua, biasanya para jomblo-jomblo ini ngomong "buat gw V-day itu nggak penting, buat apa sih nggak ada gunanya!."
but it's up to you, how you want to interpret the Valentine's Day for your own? *Just be your self : )
next chapters....
we talk about,What a special gift that you prepare? or yay something special and can't be missed....
ada yang bilang... wajib banget ni cowo ngasih mawar merah sama coklat! "but did you ever think that this's too classic" but yay I know it's up to you, just what you want and what you like!
ada lagi yang pengen dinner super romantis yang full of candles dan juga full music? wohooo... special night on special day for some people.
Much things you can do. The important thing with your sweetheart on Valentine's Day, right? Just choose something you want to do. Share love everywhere hahaha

atau, how about a card and chocolate ? it's nice... but you need something differ . I think!

is not really what should be given on Valentine's Day but what should be shared? the compassion, love, warmth, spirit, passion, happiness and everything about how we share.

What do you think of Valentine's Day?this's a freedom for everyone to interpret

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; Valentine's Day Pumping Heart