Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012 0 komentar

blazer addiction

Blazer emang salah satu pilihan yang nggak bisa terlewatkan. Stuff satu ini kapan aja bisa dipakai, saat acara resmi atau santai blazer could be applied. Everybody love it, cause we can get many looks like boyish, casual, and many more. Blazer juga bisa di combine dengan berbagai macam stuff lain, just what you really want and make it work. So that makes me addicted, especially boyfriend blazer with colors black and peach. Wohoo..who doesn't love them girls ? But from all the time, this time I just felt this really crazy stuff on this one. Within a week I can wear it four times and may be more. Terdengar agak sedikit gila, but when I wore it I felt like I could be myself. Karena fashion showing attitude and personality of a person. But must be notice, Be your self don't be a follower all the time, just sometimes. hahahahaaaa

boyfriend blazer by topshop

black boyfriend blazer by topshop

peach boyfriend blazer by topshop
if you get addicted then, just rockin' up with it..... xoxoxo

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Dr. Martens First & Forever S/S 2012

Wohooo.... Siapa yang nggak ngiler sama koleksinya Dr. Matens ini? sampai ada yang nggak ngiler pulang aja sono ! wakakakakakk...
Pengen banget sama koleksi boot nya . . .
Bootnya keren-keren banget... here they are . . . 

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The first #1

Daftar tabel nilai  di atas itu adalah kerja keras selama satu semester ini. Memang hasilnya nggak maksimal, tapi seenggaknya masih bisa bilang lumayan lah, secara anak IPS yang masuk ke fakultasnya anak IPA itu tergolong tindakan yang ekstrim banget. hahahaha

Tapi yang bikin kecewa berat itu Biologi dapet nilai C... yaiyalah yaa... anak IPS itu nggak pernah belajar biologi... dan parahnya pas dosen matkul ini itu bikin emosi! Jadi dosennya itu cuma tungguin kita selama jam kuliah berlangsung. Semacam pasif gitu, oke mahasiswa sendiri memang harus aktif dan dosen hanya sebagai pendamping, tapi setidaknya kan juga harus membimbing. Dan akibatnya banyak banget ini anak-anak yang dapat nilai C, termasuk aku. Yakampun :'( huhuhuhuhu

Ada lagi ini ITH kepanjangan dari Ilmu Tanah Hutan, nggak cuma matkulnya sulit tapi pas banget kebagian dosen yang killer minta ampun. Sama senior sih disebutnya Dewa Bumi . hahahahahaa , , , maaf ya Pak Dosen habis pada panggil gitu sih ini cuma ikut-ikutan loh yaa hehehehe

Yaa mau nggak mau akhirnya harus ambil jadwal remed deh gara-gara dapet nilai C. Yah keluar uang lagi deh, hmmm katanya kampus kerakyatan. Eh eh sedikit bahas kampus kerakyatan yang kemarin sempet jadi Hot issue dikampus sampai tetangga sebelah itu heboh banget pasang sepanduk. Tapi ya oke lah pro kontra itu selalu ada kok, it's okay! Ternyata kampus kerakyatan yang melekat di UGM itu bukan berarti biaya pendidikannya terjangkau untuk semua lapisan rakyat tapi maksud sebenarnya itu UGM pendirinya adalah asli dari rakyat atau didirikan oleh orang Indonesia nggak kayak UI yang didirikan oleh Belanda. Nah makanya itu UGM disebut sebagai kampus kerakyatan deh. Gitu sih singkatnya pas aku cari sumber dan baca-baca.

Oke! Balik lagi ke masalah remidi... ouch males banget deh, remidi ? padahal kertas materi udah nggak tahu dimana. Baiklah paling tidak berusaha dulu lah ya urusan hasilnya berapa belakangan aja, pertama usaha cari jaddwal dulu, bayarnya sih belakangan aja hahaha! ini ni jadwalnya ::
Masih lama sih jadwal remidinya.. ya siap-siap aja kali ya. It's time to do the best. hahahahaa,,,

Ya seenggaknya masih bisa bersyukur lah dengan hasil yang yaa walaupun cuma kayak gitu, tapi paling enggak bisa ambil 24sks buat semester ini hehehehe. Kan kalau kayak gitu semester besok bisa lebih ringan, moga aja hehee... but remember it takes effort and hard work

24 SKS

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Taylor Swift at Grammy Award 2012

Let's talk about Grammy Award that have been held on last Monday. Wohooo... I was enchanted with Taylor Swift's performance. She really fabulous with her song Mean from her album Speak Now.  Everyone at the show give applause to the country singer who won two awards. That is, as Best Song and Best Solo Performance. Behind a very charming appearance that night, Taylor looks beautiful and fascinating. So she got a very lively applause. On stage she smiled happily and looked surprised because she probably did not expect to get much attention.

Taylor Swift juga terlihat sangat menawan pada malam itu, dengan mengenakan gaun sutra rancangan Zuhair Murad. Gaun panjang bernuansa gold itu memberikan nilai lebih pada penampilannya di acara bergengsi Grammy Award 2012. She was smart to get the look ! yay... she was very inspiring for every girl...

Senin, 13 Februari 2012 0 komentar

it's called V-Day

hari kasih sayang? banyak yang mengatakan bahwa itu sangat penting, apa lagi untuk saling share baik itu sama pacar sama keluarga, yaa sama pasangan gitu lah pokoknya di dalam satu hari yang biasa disebut V-day atau valentine's day. Dan nggak jarang juga ada orang yang bilang setiap hari itu penuh kasih sayang, jadi nggak harus dan nggak wajib ngerayain V-day. Nah ada lagi yang berdalih gara-gara nggak punya pasangan atau gebetan yang buat sekedar diajakin ke pesta atau ngerayain V-day berdua, biasanya para jomblo-jomblo ini ngomong "buat gw V-day itu nggak penting, buat apa sih nggak ada gunanya!."
but it's up to you, how you want to interpret the Valentine's Day for your own? *Just be your self : )
next chapters....
we talk about,What a special gift that you prepare? or yay something special and can't be missed....
ada yang bilang... wajib banget ni cowo ngasih mawar merah sama coklat! "but did you ever think that this's too classic" but yay I know it's up to you, just what you want and what you like!
ada lagi yang pengen dinner super romantis yang full of candles dan juga full music? wohooo... special night on special day for some people.
Much things you can do. The important thing with your sweetheart on Valentine's Day, right? Just choose something you want to do. Share love everywhere hahaha

atau, how about a card and chocolate ? it's nice... but you need something differ . I think!

is not really what should be given on Valentine's Day but what should be shared? the compassion, love, warmth, spirit, passion, happiness and everything about how we share.

What do you think of Valentine's Day?this's a freedom for everyone to interpret

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012 0 komentar

It's time to say Good Bye -ByeBye-

Dikhianati atau mengkhianati itu adalah sesuatu yang biasa dalam hidup ini. Disakiti maupun tersakiti juga merupakan hal yang biasa. Yang luar biasa adalah bagaimana sikap kita dalam menyikapi itu semua dengan penuh passion spirit and the most thing we must do SMILE. Nggak semua orang bisa, karena nggak semua orang itu punya rasa ikhlas.. ya walaupun memang semua orang bisa mengucapkan "Ya gw iklhas kok!" .
Yang paling penting sih, harus tetepp semangat dan harus mau move on supaya nggak terus-terusan terpuruk dalam keadaan yang too bad for us! that's not the better choice to stay on. Let's try to be better and keep smile. Don't worry masih banyak temen sahabat dan keluarga disamping kita. Be wise... Be better for your own life, show that you're fabulous with your life. Shout girls! "I'm Fabulous!"

There's no comfortable place other than on the side of the family friends and people who love us sincerely, I promise : ) they're the best !
Kamis, 09 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Tentang Cinta - Ipang

Sekilas tentang dirimu
Yang lama ku nanti
Memikat hatiku
Jumpamu pertama kali
janji yang pernah terucap
Tuk satukan hati kita
Namun tak pernah terjadi
Mungkinkah masih ada waktu
Yang tersisa untukku
Mungkinkah masih ada cinta di hatimu

Andaikan saja aku tahu
Kau tak hadirkan cintamu
Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan

Sesal yang datang selalu
Takkan membuatmu kembali
Maafkan aku yang tak pernah tahu
Hingga semuanya pun kini tlah berlalu

Maafkan aku
Maafkan aku

Mungkinkah masih ada waktu
Yang tersisa untukku
Mungkinkah masih ada cinta di hatimu

Andaikan saja aku tahu
Kau tak hadirkan cintamu

Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan
Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan

lagu ini::menyentuh sekali : )
Rabu, 08 Februari 2012 0 komentar

TAYLOR SWIFT feat. The Civil Wars - Safe & Sound

I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window darling

Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh. [x2]

Just close your eyes

You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...

Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh oh oh.
Selasa, 07 Februari 2012 0 komentar

To :: mom and dad

dad you are excellent. you're strength that could make me stronger...
mom you were everything to me. Because everything you do for me.

february full of love .. share the love also to our mother & father, and certainly we must do it.

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I’m staring at my window
I’m feeling uninspired
I’m looking hard for hope, and I fell just like a record
That spun until it tire,
And it eventually just broke
But I know it will get better…
I know we’ll find a place where we can be together


Let me into you…
Let me into you…
Cuz I know, I know
This life has room for two
Let me into you…
The best part of waking up is
Knowing that you’re thinking about me
And my phone it rest upon my pillow
Waiting for you to reach right on and touch me with your smile
Even though we’re miles and miles and miles apart…
I know you make me better


Let me into you…
Let me into you…
Cuz I know, I know
This life has room for two
Let me into you…
I’m a man who doesn’t need
Anyone to make me whole
But your eyes are just like headlights into my soul
They see what I can’t see and I don’t see anything at all
But you!


Let me into you…
Let me into you…
Cuz I know, yes I know
This life has room for two
Let me into you…
Let me into you…
Uh-oh (oh I know)-uh-oh
Let me into you…
Let me into you...
Let me into you.

"I let you in, because I love it when you were here beside me"

hahaaaa... rockin' up !
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Just Share ^^

happy to be yourself girl? Me too. I love being me. But sometimes bored and definitely confused as to what should I do?. Many things must be done, but do not know where to start. This problem is experienced by us as a girl in college life. Always wanted to try something new? That's us. What a way to try new things? A lot! Maybe until you dizzy if you want to list. I want to do it is always simple, like doing crazy things with friends or even yourself. Starting from our private room we can do anything. Starting from the design of the wall with wall stickers or simply by writing a motivational, important things, or even the expression of one's heart and that should be forgotten? hahahaha (start the party). Lots of cool things you could do, just turn the brain and just enjoy. You will get something weird crazy silly but sweet.

The first thing that I wanted to do is fulfill the wall like this

my passion and spirit..


#last chapters


merasa pusing ? baiklah saya sendiri juga pusing.... but keep simply,, rockin' up !!!!

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Lonely Lullaby - Owl City

Symphony of silver tears,
Sing to me and sooth the ring in my ears,
Overcast these gloomy nights wear on,
But I'm holding fast because it's darkest just before the dawn.

I sang my princess fast asleep,

'Cause she was my dream come true,
Oh Annmarie, believe me, I loved you.

But now those lonely lullabies,

Just dampen my tired eyes,
Because I can't forget you.
Because I can't forget you.

I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,

When the nightmares take me,
I will scream with the howling wind,
'Cause it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream.

Dizzy love turned a star lily pink,

And hung above our lids too flushed to blink,
But icy blue froze the fairytale cold,
Though I treasured you and you sparkled with someone to hold.

I sang my princess fast asleep,

'Cause she was my dream come true,
Oh Annmarie, believe me, I loved you.

But now those lonely lullabies,

Just dampen my tired eyes,
Because I can't forget you.
Because I can't forget you.

I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,

When the nightmares take me,
I will scream with the howling wind,
'Cause it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream.

I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,

When the nightmares take me,
I will scream with the howling wind,
'Cause it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream.
And I'd rather dream.

Annmarie, I'll never forget you.

Annmarie, I'll never forget you.
Annmarie, remember me?
I'll never forget you.
Annmarie, remember me?
I'll never forget you.
Annmarie, remember me?
I'll never forget you.

0 komentar

I got one, Want again !

It called red . . . beautiful red at garden on rainy day, cold but sweet

just need :: blazer, your favorite t-shirt, jeans, sneakers or footwear that you like, and you could take an accessories like glasses or anything what you want.
Don't forget  about beautiful view, you could get at everywhere. Just look around and you'll get that, the beautiful part. cheers


rockin' up ! ! !

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012 0 komentar

It's all about YOU and HIM

Ngomongin soal HTS sama cowok player itu beda tipis. Hubungan tanpa status itu dimana posisi kita udah kayak orang pacaran tapi faktanya nggak ada kejelasan. Dan kebanyakan cowok yang ngajakin HTS itu cowok player. Cowok tipe player atau playboy kebanyakan nggak mau terikat, mereka punya banyak temen deket cewek, bahkan banyak gebetan. Nah loh, was-was juga kan ya. Apa kita saat ini terjebak dalam posisi itu?

Terus apa sih ciri-ciri cowok player

banyak teman cewek
Dia mempunyai banyak teman cewek? Nggak ada salahnya untuk curiga, girls. Tipikal cowok playboy bisa dilihat dari berapa banyak teman dekat ceweknya. Jadi, kalau dia sering menerima telepon dari cewek, you have to be more careful.

Pintar merangkai kata
Cowok playboy biasanya pandai berbicara dan merayu. Dia tahu apa yang harus dibicarakan ketika kamu sedang marah, kesal, atau sedih. Dia pun akan membuatmu merasa istimewa, dan setiap kata-katanya akan mencerminkan kalau dia adalah yang terbaik. Bisa jadi dia hanya ingin membuatmu tertarik padanya.


Sangat percaya diri
Umumnya, cowok player memiliki tingkat percaya diri yang tinggi. Bagaimana tidak? Dia merasa bisa menaklukan cewek-cewek yang dia inginkan. Malahan dia bisa mendapatkan lebih dari dua cewek sekaligus. Inilah yang membuat si player semakin percaya diri.

Menghindari pergi bersamamu
Kalau dia seorang playboy, dia akan menghindari pergi bersamamu. Kenapa? Karena ia takut ketahuan oleh 'teman' ceweknya yang lain.

Lalu gimana kalo kita terjebak pada HTS... (Say NO!)

Give him a hint of what you want
waktu berdua dan ajak dia ngobrol. Just say to him kalau kamu menginginkan suatu kejelasan dalam hubungan kalian. But remember girls, jangan menggunakan emosi, ya. Bisa-bisa dia malah bete, lho. 

Give him some time
Setelah dia cukup mengerti dengan keinginan kamu, beri dia sedikit waktu untuk berpikir. Nah, selama dia berpikir, kamu tetap bisa bertemu dengan dia dan act as a friend. Dari situ, kamu juga bisa menilai apakah dia serius dengan kamu atau tidak.

You decide it!
No matter what happens, apapun jawabannya, kamu harus bisa memutuskan sesuai dengan keinginan kamu, girls! Kalau dia tetap menginginkan hubungan tanpa status, dan kamu merasa nggak nyaman dengan itu, maybe it's time to say goodbye. All depends on you!

player + playboy = bad boy

Beda lagi ni yang biasa terjadi pada hidup kita, dan mungkin nggak ada yang mau diposisi ini. Posisi dimana kita harus benar-benar menghindarinya. Secara hubungan ini memang harus dihindari daripada kita mempersulit hidup kita. Mending jauh-jauh dari ini...

# Mantan pacar teman
Meskipun temanmu yang mutusin cowok itu, tapi dia pasti merasa sebal melihat kalian berdua akrab satu sama lain. Kecuali kamu sudah siap untuk kehilangan seorang teman, lebih baik hindari hubungan cinta seperti ini.

#Saudara kandung atau mantan pacar
Jangan pernah pacaran sama kakak atau adik dari mantan pacar! Biar bagaimanapun mereka adalah saudara kandung yang akan saling membantu. Seandainya kalian punya masalah, mereka akan bersekongkol untuk memojokan kamu.
#Saudara kandung sahabat
Saat mulai dekat dengan saudara kandung sahabatmu, waktu dan perhatianmu untuk sahabat otomatis akan berkurang. Sewaktu-waktu kamu bisa dicemburui

#Sahabat Mantan Pacar
Yang ada kamu pusing sendiri. Selain harus bisa menjaga perasaan masing-masing pihak, kamu juga harus waspada. Gimana enggak, secara mereka sahabatan pasti mereka juga saling share dong. Dan kamu nggak mau kan jadi bahan perbincangan mereka all time. Tapi beda cerita kalau ex-B mu sudah mengikhlaskan kalian untuk bersama.

#Backstreet sama sahabat gebetan / selingkuhanmu
Ini yang parah banget. Kalo backstreet dari doi atau gebetan masih mending ya. Lah kalo sampai backstreet sama sahabat selingkuhan? Dan si doi juga punya banyak gebetan! ini yang patut dipertanyakan. Kira-kira kamu pernah mikir nggak resiko pada dirimu sendiri. Apa yang akan terjadi? Okay, It's not too bad. Tapi sebaiknya kita jangan pernah lah ada diposisi ini, selain repot sendiri juga cuma nambaha pikiran. Let's make a friendship. It's more better!

#Cowok yang baru putus
Dijamin dia masih punya perasaan sama mantan pacarnyakarena mereka baru saja putus. Jangan percaya deh, sama kata-kata, "Aku sudah enggak ada apa-apa lagi kok sama dia". Cowok juga tidak secepat itu bisa melupakan mantannya lho!

it's up to you. just make it work better girl!

happy to be yourself

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012 0 komentar

You belong with me - TAYLOR SWIFT

You're on the phone
with your girlfriend ‒ she's upset
She's going off
about something that you said
'cause she doesn't get your humor like I do.
I'm in my room ‒ it's a typical Tuesday night.
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like.
She'll never know your story like I do.

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
you belong with me,
You belong with me?

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be.
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
"Hey, isn't this easy?"

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town.
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down.
You say you're fine -
I know you better than that.
Hey, what you doing
With a girl like that?

She wears high heels,
I wear sneakers.
She's cheer captain,
And I'm on the bleachers.
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
that what you're looking for has been here the whole time.

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
you belong with me?
Standing by you
Waiting at your backdoor.
All this time
How could you not know, baby
You belong with me,
You belong with me?


Oh, I remember you were driving to my house
In the middle of the night.
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry.
I know your favorite songs,
And you tell me about your dreams.
Think I know where you belong,
Think I know it's with me.

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands you?
Been here all along
So why can't you see
You belong with me?
Standing by you
Waiting at your backdoor.
All this time
How could you not know, baby,
You belong with me,
You belong with me?

You belong with me.

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me

; Valentine's Day Pumping Heart