Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

healthy - sex behind love

Bicara soal kesehatan reproduksi diusia kita yang sekarang ini pasti sangat penting dan memang wajib mengerti. Ini bukan hal tabu tapi sesuatu yang emang harus kita ketahui secara menyeluruh. Nah ngomong-ngomong soal condom.. pasti udah nggak asing, apalagi condom for boys ah udah biasa lah ya.. gimana kalau cari tau lebih mendalam lagi soal condom cewek.. how its work? and why we should know about it ?

here are female condoms, which offer protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, female condoms generally are not quite as effective as properly used male condoms in preventing pregnancy. A female condom is a polyurethane sheath with a flexible ring on either end. One end is closed and inserted into the vagina, while the other end is open and the ring sits outside of the opening of the vagina.

Female condoms aren't perfect. No form of contraception is, though some are more effective than others. Over the course of a year of using female condoms, about 1 in 5 couples will have an unintended pregnancy. Male condoms are somewhat more effective — but again, that’s only if they are used properly.

And just in case you were wondering, using a male and a female condom at the same time is not more effective. It actually can compromise the effectiveness of both the male and female condom because they can get stuck together and cause one or the other to slip during intercourse.

The next chapter.....

If you're having sex and the condom falls off and gets stuck in your cervix and you can't get it out for a while, will it get moldy?

Always wearing a condom during sex is a good way to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Sometimes, though, condoms do come off during sex.

A condom can’t get in a girl’s cervix. But if a condom does break, it (or, if it breaks off, a part of it) can remain inside the vagina. This can cause irritation, discharge, bad odor, or an infection. If you can't remove a condom or a broken piece of condom, see your doctor or nurse.

If a condom breaks during sex, you’ll also need to think about the possibility of an STD or pregnancy. Your health care provider can help you there, too.

"condom for female"

Next Capter

the condom stuck inside of our body. Is this dangerous?

Always wearing a condom during sex is a good way to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. So, good going on using condoms. Sometimes, though, condoms do come off during sex. That’s less likely to happen if the condom is put on properly — that is, pulled up completely and not just part of the way. And while there aren’t lots of sizes of condoms like there are pants sizes, some brands fit differently from others. Your boyfriend should pick the size and brand that fits comfortably and snugly. 

If a condom does slip off during sex, some sperm could escape into the vagina — and that could result in a pregnancy (and/or an infection). Also, while using a condom, make sure that your partner pulls out immediately following ejaculation. And when pulling out, he should hold the condom around its base so it doesn’t slip off.
If a condom does get stuck inside the vagina, once you are able to get it out, make sure it’s intact and that there aren’t pieces remaining inside. If you can’t successfully remove the condom completely, or if you're not sure if it’s completely out, you should see a doctor immediately. Even if the whole condom came out, you may need to see the doctor to check for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

what do you think about it ? take a deep breath and then think by yourself

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