Sabtu, 26 November 2011 0 komentar

Samantha Mumba -Wish Upon A Star

Remember when I said I won't miss you
The truth is that I do
I never stop thinking about you (About you)
We are meant together, the two of us our bound
And now it seems like forever
I can't get you off my mind

If I could wish upon a star
Then I would hold you in my arms (Hold you in my arms)
And I know we could love once again (Love again)
If I could turn the hands of time
Then you would love me, still be mine
Baby, I would be right where you are
If I could wish upon a star

It's obvious and everyone can see
But baby, you and I are truly meant to be
But nothing turns out right (Nothing turns out right)
If only I could make you realize
If only time could give us just another chance
I'd prove it all to you

If I could wish upon a star
If I could turn the hands of time
Then I'd be in your arms again

If I could wish upon a star
Then I would hold you in my arms (Hold you in my arms)
And I know we could love once again (Baby, love again)
If I could turn the hands of time
Then you would love me, still be mine
Baby, I would be right where you are
If I could wish upon a star

If I could wish upon a star

 chek this out :wish upon a star
Senin, 21 November 2011 0 komentar

review film Breaking Dawn

Truk tua Bella akhirnya benar-benar mati. Dan bergabung dengan keluarga Cullen yang lain, Bella mulai menikmati mobil-mobil mahal berkecepatan tinggi yang dijual terbatas di pasaran. Kehidupan mulai berputar cepat di sekelilingnya. Ayah dan ibunya menyetujui dengan mudah pertunangannya dengan Edward, tidak seperti bayangannya. Meski dengan bayang-bayang Jacob yang pergi untuk menyembuhkan luka hatinya, akhirnya hari pernikahan itu tiba juga. Edward berada di sisinya mengucapkan janji setia selama masa eksistensi mereka.
Bulan madu yang semula dirancang indah ternyata menjadi awal yang sangat buruk untuk hubungan mereka. Kekuatan vampir Edward yang luar biasa ternyata membuat tubuh manusia Bella yang ringkih terluka. Belum cukup hingga di situ Bellaharus dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa dia ternyata hamil. Buah cintanya terhadap Edward tumbuh di perutnya sebagai seorang monster yang haus darah.
Penuh keberanian, melawan semua usul dan nasihat keluarga Cullen, Bella bertahan untuk tidak mau menggugurkan kandungannya meski dia harus bertaruh nyawa. Di saat kritis, kehadiran sahabat lama, Jacob, sangat menolongnya dan Edward untuk melalui hari-hari buruk mereka.

Setelah melalui penderitaan panjang akibat janin monster yang dikandungnya, Bella pun meregan nyawa di meja persalinan. Edward pun akhirnya mengambil keputusan yang selama ini adalah ide yang paling ditentangnya, yaitu merubah Bella menjadi vampir.

Hari-hari Bella sebagai seorang vampir pun dimulai, dengan buah hatinya, Renesmee, yang ternyata merupakan penjelmaan separuh manusia separuh vampir. Lalu masalah yang timbul adalah bagaimanakah Bella harus menjelaskan kepada ayahnya bahwa dia sekarang telah menjadi vampir, seperti halnya keluarga suaminya? Atau bagaimanakah dia harus menerangkan kalau sesungguhnya Jacob yang periang itu adalah manusia serigala? Dan bahwa ayahnya telah memiliki cucu yang separo manusia separo vampir dengan segala bakat anehnya?

This movie is amazing! Edward and Bella do have sex but nothing is really shown apart from legs, arms and shoulders. The birth scene has been done really well. You can see her stomach and legs to start with but then it shows Bella's facial reactions and seeing everything from her point of view so its only slighty gory. From her point of view you see the scalpel go across her stomach but no blood is shown. Edward bites into Bella's fetus but that isn't shown either, except from blood on his face. There are positive messages and good role models. Bella makes her own decisions about certain things and Edward and Bella have sex after marriage.This movie is actually AMAZING and highly recommend it to any Twilight lover aged 16 and up. Younger viewers may might not understand certain things and it might be a bit too much for anyone under 16.

Minggu, 20 November 2011 0 komentar

it's not snowy guys !

it's not snowy, it was ash fall when Merapi's eruption last year.
the atmosphere is very tense and terrifying.
and all of the people was panic.
but I get something in my picture that I took that day, I found something different in my photos... this is really amazing, the effect just look natural without engineering focus. 
"in each tragedy, even worse will always keep a good thing for everyone"
0 komentar

real beach Indonesia, so unbeliveable

this photos when I was at senior high school, road to beach and took some picture with my camera, and wohoo... so unbeliveable beach and also nice picture... really love the nature of Indonesia.This photos tell about nature, beach, wind, white sand, the salt water and all of them could be my passion in my life.....
someday I'll back to there again . . . ;D
0 komentar

my healthy foods and so delcious

Asian food

its delicious

salad :)

I'm happy ^^

really simple and makes happy
0 komentar

Say NO !!!!

baru menjalankan program diet? atau ingin tetap hidup sehat? hanya satu saran saya... jauhi ke 10 jenis makanan ini. Dijamin gangguan buruk akan berakhir dan diet atau apapun itu akan berjalan lancar..... tapi semuanya kembali pada masing-masing juga yee....

Di antara minuman ringan alias soft drinks, cola merupakan minuman yang paling tinggi kandungan kalorinya yaitu 150 kalori untuk kaleng berukuran 350 ml dan 410 kalori untuk botol berukuran 1,2 liter. Belum lagi kandungan gula buatan dan tambahan kafein di dalamnya. Berdasarkan riset diketahui cola memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan obesitas. Kandungan kalori yang begitu tinggi dalam bentuk cairan, tidak menyebabkan tubuh merasa kenyang dan membuat tubuh tetap merasa lapar dan karenanya makan makanan lainnya sehingga penumpukan kalori pun terjadi.

Bahaya lainnya adalah kerusakan gigi. Diketahui bahwa konsumsi cola atau soft drinks menyebabkan gigi terkena kontak dengan gula buatan 'sang perusak gigi', dan efeknya bahkan berlanjut sampai 40 menit setelah tegukan terakhir, kecuali kamu segera minum air putih untuk penetral tentunya.

Keripik Kentang
Makanan ringan dengan nama keren 'potato chips' ini sangat lezat - saya adalah penggemar makanan ini - tetapi tahukah kamu bahaya yang bisa ditimbulkannya? Duabelas buah keripik kentang mengandung 150 kalori, 10 g lemak (3 g di antaranya adalah lemak jenuh), dan 210 mg sodium. Belum lagi tambahan MSG dan beberapa penyedap rasa. Lagi-lagi makanan yang bisa menyebabkan kegemukan dan obesitas.

Biskuit Coklat alias Chocolate Chip Cookies
Satu keping biskuit coklat ini mengandung 80 kalori, 4,5 g lemak (1,5 g adalah lemak jenuh). Kalau kamu pingin tahu lihat saja daftar komposisinya, kemungkinan besar kamu akan temukan istilah-istilah seperti white flour, hydrogenated oil, atau istilah kimia yang susah dimengerti lainnya dan dikemas seolah-olah ini adalah daftar komposisi gizi. Jadi jelas biskuit lezat ini bukanlah pilihan yang penuh nutrisi bagi kamu dan keluarga. Ingat kan iklan 'diputar, dijilat dan dicemplungin'? (hehehe...)

Keju dengan kadar lemak tinggi
Keju seberat 28 gram mengandung 120 kalori, 10 g lemak (6 g adalah lemak jenuh). Tingginya kadar lemak jenuh di dalamnya (lebih dari 50%) akan meningkatkan resiko penyakit jantung atau penyakit lainnya.

Donat Coklat
Satu buah donat coklat mengandung 300 kalori dan 19 g lemak (6 g lemak jenuh) dan juga kadar gula yang tinggi.

Daging Asap
Semua jenis daging yang diasapi biasanya mengandung zat kimia pengawet yaitu sejenis nitrat, yang sangat terkait dengan kanker usus dan perut. Dua iris daging asap - apapun jenis dagingnya - rata-rata mengandung 120 kalori dan 10 g lemak (3 g di antaranya adalah lemak jenuh).

Hot Dog Daging
Hot dog mengandung 180 kalori, 16 g lemak (7 g lemak jenuh), dan 550 mg sodium, dan ini masih hitungan di luar roti-nya lo. Daging sebagai pengisi hot dog adalah kumpulan dari bagian tubuh ternak (biasanya isi perut) yang tidak terpakai pada produk daging lainnya. Oleh karenanya kandungan lemak jenuhnya lumayan tinggi, apalagi jika yang dipakai adalah daging sapi, nota bene kadar lemak jenuh trans-fat pada isi perutnya lumayan tinggi.

Gula-gula alias bon-bon
Kayaknya untuk snack yang satu ini gak perlu banyak penjelasan ya? Kadar gula yang tinggi serta kalori yang lumayan ada semua. Kalau orang tua kita dulu bilang, gula itu merusak gigi, dan sekarang kita tahu snack ini juga menjadi penimbun lemak di tubuh. Jadi kalau ada iklan yang isinya mengkonsumsi bon-bon produk mereka identik dengan mengkonsumsi sekian gelas susu, kamu sudah tahu kan apakah snack ini memang bergizi atau tidak.

Sereal yang mengandung gula
Mungkin selama ini kita banyak yang mengenal sereal sebagai makanan paling bernutrisi, dan bahkan di iklan kita sering melihat seakan-akan makanan ini sangat layak untuk dikonsumsi setiap saat apalagi terutama saat sarapan. Faktanya, tidak semua sereal itu bernutrisi dan sehat untuk dikonsumsi.

Lihat kandungan gula pada kotak kemasan produk sereal kamu, jika kamu melihat nilai yang tinggi berarti sebaiknya tinggalkan produk tersebut. Malah sangat disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi sereal yang bebas gula, seperti oatmeal misalnya.

Beberapa jenis Snack Lainnya (Snack Bar)
Sejumlah snack biasanya dalam bentuk batangan, mengandung kadar protein dan lemak yang rendah, dan kadar karbohidrat yang tinggi. Belum lagi rasa lapar yang ditimbulkan saat mengkonsumsinya, menjadikan tubuh pingin makan lagi dan lagi. Hal ini dikarenakan mengkonsumsinya menyebabkan kadar gula darah kamu meningkat tinggi dan diikuti dengan energi tubuh menurun drastis. Sehingga tubuh meminta energi baru dengan cara memasukkan makanan lagi. Efeknya adalah tumpukan kalori tak terpakai di tubuh kamu.

 I CAN DO IT ...... . . . :D
Sabtu, 19 November 2011 0 komentar

One More Weekend--The Academy Is

Somewhere hiding underneath,
Kicking off covers while you sleep.
Soon you're gonna leave, so leave us
one more weekend.

You've got all the friends you need,

bad tattoos and worse IDs. You feel alive.
Do you feel alive?


You'll go off, you'll forget,
you'll grow out of hanging from the edges,
breaking off the past.
You'll know when to move on,
you'll know when to take all the right chances,
never looking back.

Somewhere hiding underneath,

driving around these empty streets.
Do you think you're better off dead,
better off dead than alive in here?
You've got all the friends you need,
bad tattoos and worse IDs. You feel alive,
do you feel alive?


How could you think the time we spent was all wasted

sleepwalking through every morning that we took for granted?
Maybe the time we spent was not wasted...
Let it go, i'll let you go.


We are half alone, out hearts are leaving home.

Now we don't belong to anyone at all.

Somewhere hiding underneath,

kicking off your covers while you sleep,
you feel alive.
Jumat, 18 November 2011 0 komentar

hottest bags of spring 2012

favorite bags of spring 2012, the handbags trend are here :D, by Victoria Beckham, Phillip Lim, Marc Jacobs

Jumat, 11 November 2011 0 komentar


Woke up in London yesterday
Found myself in the city near Piccadilly
Don't really know how I got here
I got some pictures on my phone

New names and numbers that I don't know

Address to places like Abbey Road
Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want
We're young enough to say

Oh this has gotta be the good life

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life, good life

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight
This could really be a good life
A good, good life

To my friends in New York, I say hello

My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado

Sometimes there's airplanes I can't jump out

Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about

When you're happy like a fool

Let it take you over
When everything is out
You gotta take it in

Oh this has gotta be the good life

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life, good life

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight
This could really be a good life
A good, good life


I feel like there might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick
I'm taking a mental picture of you now
'Cuz hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about

Oh this has gotta be the good life

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life, good life

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

Like this city is on fire tonight
This could really be a good life
A good, good life

Oh yeah

Good, good life
Good life


My friends in New York, I say hello
My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado

Sometimes there's airplanes I can't jump out

Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about
Kamis, 10 November 2011 0 komentar


Darling, are you dreaming?
Are you dreaming of me now, now?
Oh, screaming
Are you screaming?
'Cause it's such a nightmare now, now

Oh, must be, must be

Something else waiting for you, oh
Must be, must be
Something else waiting for you, oh

I, I can't keep on without you

I, I can't keep on without you


Are you leaving
When I need you here the most?
Oh, I need you more than ever
All I have is your holy ghost, oh

Oh, must be, must be

Something else waiting for you, oh
Must be, must be
Something else waiting for you, oh

I, I can't keep on without you

I, I can't keep on without you
Without you

You paint my broken heart

Like some awful piece of art
And I watch my world
As it falls down around
But still I pray
You will come back some day

I, I will keep on without you

I, I will keep on without you
I, I will keep on without you
Without you
Selasa, 08 November 2011 0 komentar


I've been jumping from the tops of buildings.
For the thrill of the fall.
Ignoring sound advice.
And any thought of consequence.
My bones are shattered.
My pride is shattered.
And in the midst of this self-inflicted pain.
I can see my beautiful rescue.

I'm falling more in love.

With every single word I withhold.
I'm falling more in love.
With every single word you say.
I'm falling head-over-heels for you.

I've been dancing on the tops of buildings.

At the top of my lungs I'm singing you a song.
Don't you leave me alone.
My bones were shattered.
My pride lays shattered.
Well I'll trample my pride and tell the whole world.
To dance with me.

I'm falling more in love.

With every single word I withhold.
I'm falling more in love.
With every single word you say.
I'm falling head-over-heels for you again.

I'm crying out.

"Wash my hands, these bloody hands Lord. Open my mouth and I'll sing."

I'm falling more in love.

With every single word I withhold.
I'm falling more in love.
With every single word you say.
I'm falling head-over-heels for you.

I've been dancing on the tops of buildings.

With you.
Sabtu, 05 November 2011 0 komentar

coffee and me

brown  white and black mixed in which there is bitter in the sweet blend that gives passion, loves,lifes and I can enjoy it whenever I want...

I LOVE COFFEE...... I'm a coffee lovers
0 komentar


Berhubung besok hari raya kurban, jadi bakal masak-masak yang semua-muanya serba daging... emang ini udah biasa sih beef steak, tapi selalu ada yang spesial dibalik beef steak (yuuummiii hahaha)
ini dia the recipe 

450 g daging sapi has
1 sendok makan daun bawang, iris
200 g kacang kapri
1/3 sendok teh garam

Untuk saus jahe & daun bawang:
2 batang daun bawang, 3 irisan jahe, 1/2 sendok makan arak masak, 4 sendok makan air dingin

Untuk marinade daging sapi:
1/4 sendok teh merica
1/2 sendok teh garam
1 sendok makan kecap asin
1/2 sendok teh pengempuk daging atau 1/5 sendok teh baking soda
1 sendok makan tepung terigu
1 sendok makan tepung maizena

Bahan saus:
1 sendok makan kecap asin
1 sendok makan saus tomat
1 sendok makan kecap inggris/worcestershire
2 sendok teh gula
1 sendok teh tepung maizena
3 sendok makan air

Cara membuat:
1. Potong daging mengikuti uratnya setebal 0,6 cm dan bulatnya 4 cm. Pukul-pukul daging dengan meat mallet atau sisinya golok
2. Geprak daun bawang dan jahe. Aduk jadi satu dengan arak masak dan air, rendam selama 10 menit untuk membuat saus jahe dan daun bawang.
3. Campur jadi satu saus jahe dan daun bawang dengan bahan saus, lalu tambahkan daging sapi, aduk rata. Diamkan selama 2 jam.
4. Panaskan 1/2 cup minyak, goreng daging sampai setengah matang. Sisihkan.
5. Panaskan wajan, tuang campuran bahan saus dan didihkan. Matikan api, tambahkan daging sapi dan irisan daun bawang ke dalam saus, aduk rata.
6. Tumis kacang kapri dengan 1 sendok makan minyak dan tambahkan 1/3 sendok teh garam sampai cukup empuk. Hidangkan dengan daging.

Sumber: Pei Mei's Chinese Cook Book Vol. 2
Rabu, 02 November 2011 0 komentar

Katy Perry - "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)"

There's a stranger in my bed,
There's a pounding in my head
Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the pool
I smell like a minibar
DJ's passed out in the yard
Barbie's on the barbeque
Is this a hickie or a bruise?

Pictures of last night

Ended up online
I'm screwed
Oh well
It's a blacked out blur
But I'm pretty sure it ruled

Last Friday night

Yeah, we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night

We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop

This Friday night

Do it all again
This Friday night
Do it all again

Trying to connect the dots

Don't know what to tell my boss
Think the city towed my car
Chandelier is on the floor
Ripped my favorite party dress
Warrant's out for my arrest
Think I need a ginger ale
That was such an epic fail

Pictures of last night

Ended up online
I'm screwed
Oh well
It's a blacked out blur
But I'm pretty sure it ruled

Last Friday night

Yeah, we danced on table tops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevards

Last Friday night

We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping int he dark
Then had a ménage à trois

Last Friday night

Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop
Oh whoa oh

This Friday night

Do it all again
Do it all again
This Friday night
Do it all again
Do it all again
This Friday night



Last Friday night

Yeah, we danced on table tops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night

We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ménage à trois

Last Friday night

Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop
This Friday night
Do it all again 

rockin' PERRY hahahhaaha
; Valentine's Day Pumping Heart